Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Soooo, went to the movies this past weekend which is something I LOVE to do and haven't done in a good 6 months.  Saw that movie "Limitless", with Bradley Cooper (yum-yum).  The plot was basically the early development of a drug that allows people to access the parts of our brains we are seemingly unable to utilize on a regular basis, and how it changes the life of one man who takes it.  So, super concentration, memory, thought clarity, etc.  Great movie, very entertaining and thought provoking too.  And what it provoked me to think was: what if a woman took this drug??

It was no surprise to me that they picked a man as the main character of this movie.  He had a grand time (SPOILER ALERT) impressing women and then sleeping with them, conquering the stock market and eventually running for president.  So think about if the main character was a woman.  What would she do with her super brain power?  Hard to think, right? I know what I personally would do, but have a hard time imagining I would, in reality, get as far as super smart and super handsome Bradley Cooper did in this movie.  I don't think people would be as impressed.  Society just does not appreciate a super smart woman! Women who are super beautiful, super mothers/nurturers, super organized, super supportive (to men and children).... all revered female traits.  I would even guess most people appreciate a woman that can super kick ass, but a woman with a super ability to THINK, and possibly change the world... not so much.

I fucking hate that.... really discouraging.

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